About Me

Your Health and Wellness Coach

Hey, I'm Deanna Harvell, founder of Deanna Harvell Wellness. I'm a passionate health and wellness coach dedicated to empowering menopausal women over 50 in their wellness and weight loss journeys.

As a woman who has experienced menopause, I understand the unique health and wellness challenges that come with it. I'm here to provide the tools and strategies you need to become the healthiest version of yourself.

In addition to the challenges of menopause, I was diagnosed with

  • Barrett's disease of the esophagus
  • Experienced hot flashes
  • Couldn't sleep
  • Gained weight in the belly
  • Had no energy
  • Suffered from mood swings
  • Exercise felt impossible
  • Depression

All of the above went away after I found a new lifestyle, change my way of eating with the help of my son-in-law, in which he was acting as a coach to me.  So I decided to share with the world and help you.

Deanna Harvell in a white blouse
women yoga in beach

My Menopause Wellness Journey

My current wellness journey began when I was 50 years old, and I underwent a hysterectomy that sent me straight into menopause. Like many women, I found myself struggling with weight gain, particularly around the belly area. I tried numerous diets and ways to help with the hormones, but nothing worked. All this left me frustrated, sad, and devoid of energy. I wouldn't ever take a picture of my whole body. 

Then, one day at work, I started sweating unprompted. It was so embarrassing. I asked myself what was going on?! I couldn't do it anymore. I was always moody and so unhappy with myself, inside and out. I didn't think something like that could happen to me.

Lifestyle and Wellness After 50

I've been reasonably active since I was 17, working out to keep my weight down and maintain optimal health. But it all changed when I hit 50 and experienced menopause. I wasn't hitting my health goals as I expected, and the exercise experience was just so different from what I was accustomed to. I knew it would never be the same again, so I had to do something about this.

Using my experiences as a guide, I developed a health and wellness approach that is focused on sustainable lifestyle changes that prioritize health, vitality, and overall well-being. I found that diets that offer quick fixes and drastic measures provide temporary results at best and terrible habits at worst. Adopting this mindset was a big part of my wellness transformation.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was another critical aspect of my transformation. By addressing hormonal imbalances, HRT helped alleviate symptoms that had been hindering my progress, such as fatigue, mood swings, and difficulty losing weight. With the proper medical guidance and support, HRT became an essential part of my health regimen, complementing my dietary and lifestyle changes.

A Passion to Empowering your Wellness

After successfully achieving my health, wellness, and weight loss goals, I'm on a mission to share my knowledge and experience with other menopausal women who may be facing similar challenges. I transformed my life, and now my passion is to see you transform yours!

Mission Statement

My mission is to empower menopausal women to achieve lasting weight loss and optimal health through knowledge, tools, and support for sustainable lifestyle changes and a vibrant, healthy life.

Vision Statement

My vision is transforming the weight loss journey for menopausal women, empowering them to embrace their bodies and achieve lasting optimal health and happiness.

Achieve Optimal Health and Weight Loss With Ease

If you're ready to start your own transformation journey, I invite you to learn more about my services. Focusing on nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being, the Pink Palm Weight Loss Program can be customized to your specific needs and provides you with all the tools and strategies you need to become the healthiest version of yourself.

Explore My Services